Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can she put me in jail?

Ok let me make this short as possible. My ex girlfriend has recently filed a protective order against me. We have a son and she refused to let me see him. We agreed to a custody mediation and the 1st time we went she told the mediator that she loved me and wanted to work things out. I agreed so we set up a relationship counseling session. She lives with her parents so they pretty much tell her what to do. She called her mom and told her about the relationshoip counseling session we set up and her mother said that if she continues to try to be with me, they are gonna kick her out. She is in college and her ride is in her parents name. They said they would take that as well. So she backed out of the counseling and said we need to do the mediation again and go thru with it. I said fine whatever. Well she picked me up for the 2nd mediation session which was about an hour away. On the way there sh started telling me i was a piece of **** father and talking **** to me. I told her if she doesnt stop talking to me then she needs to let me out of the truck. She refused so i started getting angry. We yelled and cussed back and forth until finally i got in her face and yelled STOP!!!! She stopped and we sat there for a minute. Then i said look, can we just do this for our son??? She said yes and started driving again. About a mile or two down the road she said "you are such a ****** asshole". Well that was the last straw. I wanted out of the vehicle so i told her i was going to call the cops. There was a gas station about 200 yards away and there were 5 state troopers there. I told her i would call the cops and the state troopers would pull her over and arrest her for holding me against my will. She stopped and i got out of the truck.She came bakc 4 times trying to get me back in the vehicle. I was 40 nmiles from home with no ride. I told her no each time to avoid any more altercation. i got a ride from a feriend of mine and went to his house for a little while while he went to his classes. I got a call from the sherriff and she had filed a report. I now have a protective order aginast me because she told them that i threatened her life, and i was going to get someone to whoop her ***. Also she claims i grabbed the steering wheel and jerked her off the road. I did none o those things. now we have a court date set and i want to know if i can go to jail for her accusations. What kind of proof will she need? Can i go to jail for not baing able to pay court costs up front? Can i get a free attorney? Any info would be helpful, but websites or phone numbers showing guidelines and such would be better. I live in louisiana.

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