Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Im being accused of rape and im innocent!!?

My boyfriend's brother used to date this girl and everything was fine until at some point and time his brother stop having sex with her. She felt rejected and i guess she wanted revenge on him so she started accusing him of molesting a little girl. But we all know for sure that he is innocent. His girlfiend also has a history of accusing a man of child molestation and he was put in jail and the worst part was that he was also innocent and was also a school teacher and wa also one of her ex boyfriends. We all know this was a set up because although he has not ****** her in almost 2 to 3 months she waited till my boyfriend (which is the innocent man's brother) she waited till he went back to his hometown in NY on vacation for the summer to start the accusations and my boyfriend is the head/man of the house so she knew damn well that my boyfriend was going to handle her if she even thought about starting any accusations. My boyfriend isnt coming back till August and that gives her enough time to have my boyfriend's brother put in jail already and my boyfriends doesnt have enough money to buy a plane ticket to come back home in FL early. I know that he is innocent, how do we stop her from pressing charges? We all know she's lying and nothing we say is changing her mind to keep quiet on the non sense. How does he make him self proven inncent. Do we get a lawyer? How would we be able to fix this without having to be seen in court?! Thanks for the help, we need all we can get...

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