Thursday, August 4, 2011

Okayy i need a perfect song...?

soo i dont really wanna put all me and my fiances info out there but basically we have been through soo much ! my mom met him and liked them then he went to jail and when he got out my mom hated him and would not let me see him she actually forbid me to see him she even tried to get him thrown back in jail soo we couldnt see each other but we still did and then through some hard times i broke up with him and a week and a day later we got back together and then about a week after that he broke up with me. we went out seperate ways and i got with someone else and he got with someone else and when he found out about me and my new boyfriend he went crazy and so my new boyfriend got scared and left me and about 2 weeks after that me and my ex(the one that went to jail) got back together and we have been ever since = ] i just need a perfect song that kind of describes us lol = ) please help !!

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