Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is the point in me living anymore?

No one wants me alive, and I'm so sick of pain and stress and lonliness and emptiness that I myself don't want me alive. I have so many problems right now, and I keep looking for solutions to them, trying every single solution, and nothing ever works. And its the middle of summer and I haven't hung out with anyone(Im fifteen). And I have a phone, but no one has Texted me since the last day of school. Except my bf, rarely, who's grounded for the entire summer. Some of my family acts like I don't exist while the rest just put me down. My hair is falling out and im too young to be going bald but my hair is so much thinner than it used to be. I can't feel anything anymore. I've already gone to a psych, and it didn't help me at all.. I can't remember what its like to have a good day, and I feel like I have no friends anymore. I feel like everything I do is wrong and I'm never doing enough and I'm always super stressed. I have been praying to God for years and nothing has gotten any better. I was abused when I was little, but only once, and the person is in jail I think. Sometimes it bothers me, but I don't think it has much to do with anything except when I start thinking about it again. I lived with my dad most of my life but he's never been there for me. I live with my mom now, and she seems to want to help, maybe, but if I ever try to say anything to her she just gets frustrated and starts yelling. My older sister and the husband she has manipulated into hating me wont leave me alone. Its like whenever I say i'm most hurt, they say things to hurt me worse. No one talks to me. What do I even have left to do? I feel useless, hopeless, and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm not going to kill myself, Ive tried, and it hurts a lot worse when I'm still alive afterwards. so I gave up on it. Can anyone tell me what I can do? A solution to this mess? I just...I'm sick of always feeling like crap, no matter how much I try to feel good and solve my problems.

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