Sunday, August 7, 2011

My friend has lost her virginity but still thinks that she might be a virgin?

My friend told me that when she was a kid around 4 / 5 years of age she was playing in her building and this car stopped around the corner. The guy from the car waved at her and asked her to come forth. When she went there he asked her to sit in the car and started offering her all these toys. After a few minutes he threw the toys away and started to put his hand inside her shirt and feel stuff around and then he threw her in his lap and masturbated her very very badly, she was bleeding and screaming too. Then one of her tiny friends came by and started knocking on the window asking the man to let her go and the man shoo-ed the kid away. Finally he let go of her. My friend went home crying and did'nt tell her mom about it. When she went to the toilet the blood had leaked to her thigh and to her foot and when she peed in the toilet she noticed a chunk of fleshy membrane along with the slight blood in the urinal. She told me about this and I explained to her that it was her hymen but she would'nt listen to me. It has been 13 years to that thing now and she has never told her mom or her family and she does'nt want to go to the doctor and get herself checked. She wants to believe that she is a virgin when its obvious that she isn't. I can't force her or anything but is it right for her to believe something that isn't true? She needs to get checked. Besides this when she was dating one of my other friends and they had a very bad break up she drank all these fluids and over dozed her self with medicines which cause a kidney failure in her body. She isn't being able to pee straight cause of it and notices occassional pains while peeing around the cervix. She does'nt listen to me when I tell her to go to the hospital? shes scared that the doctors might involve her parents and tell them about her non virginity and might blame her for having slept with someone when she has'nt?

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