Friday, August 12, 2011

How likely am I to have cervical cancer?

I was raped about 9 months ago (before that my paps were clear) and I just got a call informing me that I have high-risk HPV and that I need to get a colposcopy within the next month. I wouldn't be freaking out as much if I didn't already have a compromised immune system. I got rheumatoid arthritis and iritis when I was 4 years old and have had it ever since (I'm 20). I also am IgA deficient so I have absolutely no antibodies in my mucosal membranes. I'm worried what will happen since my immune system probably isn't strong enough to fight off the virus. What are my chances of developing cervical cancer? Also, is there any chance that I'll be able to have sex again, both protected and unprotected because I want to have children? Is this something I will battle my whole life? Please help, thank you for your time and advice.

Which technique are you?

None of those. I would choose a shotokan move, probably giakuzuki, as I can knock down some random assed street fighter with it easily. Also It is just an awesome move :)

How can i jail break my ipod 4 touch?

i am really mad :P for my ipod please seriously can anyone tell me how to jailbreak my ipod 4 touch pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!

Why is the swastika thought of as a symbol of hate but the crucifix isn't?

The swastika used to be thought of as the symbol of peace, now its thought of as a symbol of hate. Why isn't cruifix thought of as a hate symbol when it has been used by so many murderers and groups that are hateful?

Was i wrong to dump her? (1 year relationship)?

Im 24 years old my ex- Gf is 25 in fla..So my ex-girlfriend is white from the U.S. and im half jamaican and half panamanian( Im BLACK).Last weekend me and my ex were out on the town when out of nowhere her ex boyfriend popped with a friend( I did not they know who he was at the time) until he started making derogatory comments to her and since im with her me too i guess .She begged me to just ignored him but i was raised in family where if a man disrespects you well you get respect respectfully or forcefully (so it wont happen again). The guy could not zipped with what he saying i mean i had no other choice but to punch his friend in the eye he crumbled up like a baby(punk) and proceeded to lunge at her ex-beau (still thought he was some Random white dude hating on me) and started choking him like how homer simpson chokes bart simpson lol. Then my girl my ex became all hysterical and yelling at me to stop and gonna kill him(i was not ). really i was not paying attention her i knew security would be there any minute so i was just gonna let him go when they got there. But then out of nowhere she starts crying jumping on my back and just acting over the top, this dude just called you a hoe a slut Ni??a lover and so much more.In the process of this she accidental scratch me on my neck while trying to me to stop. So security comes they break it up he does not press charges neither do i .Then she proceeded to tell me who this dude is to her (ex-boyfriend of 3 years) I don't know that got in to me but i lost it and told her im Thu with this relationship walked to my car and drove off and left her there . So from the next day sunday until this very moment she has been blowing my phone up with calls and text telling me im the love of her life asking what she did wrong?and that she did not want me to kill him cuz then i would be jail and not with her.Here is my logic If im whooping your ex- bf *** because he is popping off the mouth with some real foul sh!t U as my girl should either dont jump in at all( which i prefer) or if you do get a kick in or Punch I only like long term relationships with women who are Ryder's she obviously was not so i had to end it..Oh and she scratch too. was i right or wrong to end it?

Please Help! What could be wrong with this stray cat's eyes? Haws Syndrome?

There's cat that we think was abandoned when someone moved out and left it behind. She is very friendly and the people that live in these apartments all take care of her. She is very clean and healthy looking. She's well fed and at a healthy weight. We don't know how old she is but looks like at least 3 years old but it's hard to tell so she might be a lot older. She is white with gray spots and very cute so everyone calls her Pretty Kitty. I was petting her and caught a glimpse of her eyes. This was the first time I've ever seen her. At first I thought her eyes were part brown and part blue. I was horrified to find that there was a blue-gray eyelid thing? It's really hard to describe. I searched online and I think it's called the nictitating membrane. It starts at the inner corner of her eyes and covers part of her eyes (like a little over 1/3 of them) not the whole thing. I'm pretty sure I'm the first to notice this so maybe it just started recently. She seems to be able to see okay. I was thinking maybe it was a cat fight injury but its on both eyes and there aren't any signs of any injuries. There aren't any other symptoms that I know of. She is very friendly and loves to be pet. She doesn't seem to be in pain or have vision problems but animals are good at not showing pain. I am going to see if maybe people in these can pool their money together to pay for a vet visit. One time she had a cat fight injury and someone cleaned and bandaged it so I know people care. I'm really worried and we are going to get her vet care as soon as we can. She's usually some where near the apartments cause that's where she sleeps and eats but it isn't always the same spot every night. I hope we will be able to find her easily. I am aware that this is no substitute for a vet and we are taking her in. I just want to know if anyone here has seen this before, what it is and how animals recover from it. I was looking online and I found a picture of cat that looks like it has the same thing.. Here is the picture link: It sounds like maybe she has Haws Syndrome. Apparently that sorts itself out on its own. I will get a diagnosis from the vet but I'm just wondering if you've had a cat that had the same or similar problem?

Why does the rush to condemn the Koran-burner have disturbing implications for free speech?

His free speech is Blatenly violated & put our military & Justice dept to shame putting the blame on him when he speaks truth & blame him for the horribly wicked actions of those who are looking for an excuse to do their wicked demonized deeds.Solid evidence they do not represent God but the devil as only evil does things so evil.

Castor oil to induce labor?

I am 39 weeks pregnant and absolutely miserable (as most women are at this point in pregnancy). I have been in false labor a few times and ready to go! I am about a cm dilated. My doctor is going to strip my membranes Monday and I would like to go a more non-invasive way. I walk, stimulate my nipples and everything else. I have started the evening primrose oil and raspberry leaf tea. I am more interested in castor oil. On one hand, I hear that it works. On the other hand, I hear that it can cause meconium to go into the amniotic sac. Wondering how effective/ safe castor oil is. Any midwives around? Looking for someone who is not just clinical/ medical. Thanks.

What is the structure and importance of the cell membrane?

The cell membrane regulates the transport of substances in and out of the cell. It is selectively permeable, and therefore allows for the passage of some substances more readily than others. As the person above me has said, it also serves as a protective barrier that protects the interior of the cell from its external surroundings, thus helping to maintain a stable internal environment. Plants have a cell wall, IN ADDITION TO a cell membrane.

Why do catholics practice so many unbiblical rituals?

Catholics do not practice " biblical rituals". Your list is completely false. Did you get this from a genuine Catholic web site, or is this your own interpretation?

Had my membranes stripped today, but it didn't hurt like everyone says?

I had mine stripped at about 38 1/2 weeks and it didn't hurt me either. It was uncomfortable but not painful. It didn't work for me though. I had my son at 40 weeks

I need the name of an older movie that Kat Williams starred in.It was based on a true story about a radio dj?

He was in jail first then a guy that worked for a radio station was at the jail visiting his bro and promised him a job when he got out.It took place in Washington Dc and it seems like the name was actually what he said on the radio.Tjanks for any help!!

Can i get some opinions on my latest short story? (FIRST PARAGRPAHS)?

Make the third last sentence more worshipful: "Throughout his nineteen years, He had looked after him like the shepherd tending his sheep; He had given him companionship as his infinite compassion led Him to." Something like that. Other than that, well written!

Can you join any military branch if you served 3 months in jail?

It will be difficult. In today's economy, anyone with a criminal record will be immediately turned down. If you have time to wait, it could be worth it.

Do you have to be 18 or 21 to bail someone out of jail?

Every website says you have to be 18 to bail someone out of jail, but the last time I tried the bailsbond person said I had to be 21. Is it different in different counties?

How to get my daughter to stop dating a Jewish boy?

FYI: Jesus was a Jew. Jews were not the only ones culpable for the death of Christ! Perhaps you might try to get over your racist attitude and try to learn about Judaism yourself! (I'm NOT Jewish; I'm Catholic) Perhaps you should be thankful that this guy has a faith that he actually believes in; unlike yourself, who is admittedly, a hypocrite, in that you hang up crucifixes, tho' you don't consider yourself to be a Christian. (You're right, BTW, you're not a Christian; they have more tolerance!)

I am on two years of probation, I have a hard time finding a job to pay fees, is it posible to do jail instead?

Also it was a 3rd degree assault felony which got dropped to class A misdemenor, if I can't pay my fees and get revoked, would it go back to felony, or will it stay as a misdemenor class A, I have a hard time getting a job and don't know how to pay all fees and I can't even make it to my classes because no transportation, please help me with some advise I only been out of jail for a month and already did 3 1/2 months in county so please any help would be appreciated thank you!!

I lost sexual desire since 18 years! what to do?

Hi all, I am an Iraqi man..I got married in age 23 .. few weeks later..I was terrified and full of horror from being arrested by Saddam rejeem security ..and it came true.. I was driven to jail for two years and starved there the who two years..after that I lost my sexual desire .and the point to focus on is that I lost it because I practice sexual intercourse during a period in which I was threaten (the early few weeks ) but I have tried to calm my wife and pretend that all things are Ok..what is odd about me that I have good erection till now (41 years old) and we had 4 healthy boys..but i never enjoyed sex as if I am pissing..I never have sex with another woman..I went to some doctors who gave me some useless medicine such brozak ..I never give up thinking about a solution ..please advice what to do or which therapist can help..

Slaters, woodlouse, pill bugs; do they have a semi-permeable membrane?

So, I'm doing a Bio investigation. I can't seem to find/collect enough information to justify why slaters etc. lose water in low humidities and gain at high humidities. I know it has something to do with osmosis/diffusion, but can someone give me a detailed answer? I'm not even sure if they have semi-permeable membrane or not, but I know they have an exoskeleton.

How is jailing Americans for profit part of the conservative's freedom agenda?

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What would you have done in this situation with your dad?

Okay so my dad barges in my room while i was about to fall asleep and goes .. your therapist called today and i re scheduled the appointment. so i go okay fine. and he goes shes a good therapist right? im like yeah. and than he goes (out of nowhere) you know why you dont have a car right? because we think you would have killed someone in a drunken accident. (BTW i would NEVER drink and drive.) and he goes, if you think you can ever do anything again with drugs i will report it the court and have you put in jail. (btw i have not even stepped outside the house, only time was yesterday to watch green lantern with a friend) and im like oh? and he goes is that your only response? im like your going to drug test me still? i havent even done ANYTHING . get over it! its getting annoying. i had one incidient. he goes i know eveyrthing you did. (btw this happened 3 months ago) and im like ok.. OUT OF NOWHERE , he threatens to send me to court. and im like i havent done anything, so you can get over it now. and i dont need a therapist. im fine. and then hejust leaves all angrily?

Question about a legal situation for a 15 year old?

I am already on probation for drugs, can I go to jail now, I pulled a knife on another kid for snitching on me about something else, could I go to jail for assault? I also got in a fight with a few people a week ago over a few dollars that they owe me, and yesterday I beat someone up cuz they called me a porch monkey and I just snapped, I told my P.O she said she would try her best and see what she can do to help well I didn't tell er bout the knife thing but the dude is the biggest snitch round here so I afraid he will go straight to the police and have me arrested then, would any of this put me in jail? If so for how long? I live in Manhattan New York

How do i make my parents like my boyfriend?

My boyfriend means the world to me. He's gone to jail twice while we were dating but it was only for p.o.m. I would understand if he murdered someone, to hate him, but thats far from the case. It doesnt make a change whether he does it or not because everyone in high school does it. It's just the matter of getting caught. Me && my boyfriend plan on growing a future together but my parents hate his guts because of the past. (going to jail, etc) Honestly, i dont care what my parents say; i know what i'm doing && they dont know him like i do. But how do i change the way they look at him? && have everyone just make peace?

I'm think about abortion.?

I just found out I am pregnat. I have a 2 year old with my soon to be ex husband, we are going through a divorce. I am contimpating abortion because I raised my first child all on my own finacially and it was hard. My husband did not help me at all. I just feel like I'm going to be a baby killer. My husband is a dead beat always in and out of jail and I found drugs in his car so I filed for divorce finally. We used condoms the last time we had sex but the condom broke but i did take the morning after pill. I just don't know what to do. It's already hard as it is with one baby and his drama and I can't imagine a second one. Am I wrong for thinking about abortion? What would you do?

Where did scientists get the membrane for 11th dimension?

p-branes are a linguistic trick to make it easier to understand how the different dimensions interact with each other. It makes the whole subject of multi-dimensions easier to grasp. But the "membranes" don't really exist; we just need some way to represent the "separation" of different dimensions.

Catholic Help with The Dangers of Ouija Boards?

The board itself has no power. It is just a piece of wood, but when you invite spiritual evil by opening yourself to it, with a ouija board, or tarot cards, or other forms of superstition, Satan won't pass up the opportunity.

Why are liberals so quick to defend.....?

insults and bashing of Christians (upside down crucifix in a jar of urine for example) and declare it as free speech, yet turn around and say how intolerant and bigoted someone is when muslims are "disrespected"? Even on TV, when the police have a warrant to search a muslims home, first thing they say is "we'll be respectful". When searching anyone else's home...they tear it to shreds. What are they afraid of?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jailbreak to 4.3.3 or stay at 4.2.1?

I'm currently jail broken (on greenpois0n). Should I update to 4.3.3? Would I have to re download the jailbreak, and everything I have from it? Or is there a way to keep my jailbreak whilst updating to 4.3.3? Should I even update? Help... :/

Septate Hymen Removal questions?

Today I just found out that I have a septated hymen. I know it's not a bad just sometimes may complicate the use of tampons & possible intercourse in general. The gyno told me that I can get that extra piece of membrane i'm 19 and i'm literally curious...if I get the extra septate membrane removed with the surgery procedure....does that mean I will no longer be a virgin? Or will I stil be a virgin until the day I have sex? Just the procedure is removing part of it? I'm confused!!

Iphone 4, help me make the leap?

I have had a 3G (Jail-broke) for years now. I got my wife a 3GS (also Jail-broke) about 6 months ago, and its ridiculously faster. Im looking to upgrade now that I understand the difference in speed. Im considering either the 3GS or the 4, but I have heard that even the newer 4s have a issue with the antenna and dropped calls. Not sure it would make that big a difference since I use headphones 75% of the time, but I use my phone for business as well as personal, so, simple math, 25% of handheld, 1/2 or even 1/4 of those dropped is not good. This one issue is the ONLY thing keeping me from making the leap to the 4. Help me out here... :D

Should we end the drug war?

my question would be why do so many young people need to use drugs, you will never end the drugs war because of one thing MONEY, people get rich on the suffering of others, seeing someone hopelessly addicted to drugs is horrible,you Will never make drugs totally legal it will just cause a price war between dealers and government, the thing with cigarettes is yes they cause long term illnesses but you cant overdose on them and kill yourself in one go, i think more attention should be paid to why people need or want to use drugs in the first place.

FAFSA help! I need help with School!?

Since you probably were not a dependent on anyone's tax return, file with FAFSA using your Mom and state that she is in jail. They will tell you how to deal with it. Good luck to you!

The finale of The Sopranos?

Personally, I think he got clipped. The audience being whacked didn't seem like a logical theory for me, because the show never broke the fourth wall like that, so I didn't think they would just for the finale. The ten seconds of silence, along with all of the talk of death and not hearing it when it happens (Bobby posed the question, and Sil mentioned not even hearing a thing during the Gerry Torciano hit until Torciano was already on the floor). That's the conclusion I felt strongest about, but others may have a different interpretation.

Doesn't having a vasectomy remove all of a woman's control over a man?

If a vasectomy is done, the man doesn't have to worry about her missing a pill or a condom breaking. If she is not able to get children from his seed, she is not able to get child support payments or a long term commitment from him either? It's like a permanent get out of jail free card?

What's the idea behind the gene gun?

is it forcing the gene into the cell? isn't damaging to cell membrane? also is it applicable only in vitro?

Does Sarah Palin need Zionist endorsement to run for President of the USA?

No. What she does need is the Republican nomination and since the majority of Zionists are not members of the Republican party they will have no say in her nomination. If she gets the nomination she will probably need a miracle equal to the parting of the red sea to get elected.

If you did something illegal and bragged about doing something illegal on Yahoo! answers can you be arrested?

For example if someone said they killed 2 people last night or if they get their account suspended for something illegal can they go to jail? Also let's say that they get their account suspended for something would Yahoo! Answers let it go the first couple of times but eventually turn them in?

NO ANSWERS RE-POST: When you got your membrane sweep, like this TMI?

Not sure about the blood. I have mine swept 4 days before my daughter was born. I don't remember feeling any different, or bleeding much. My contractions started 3 days later. Watch those contractions, though...that's pretty close together. So monitor them closely and make sure they aren't regular or you might want to go in! Good luck!!!

Bible luke 23/44?~after jesus(alien's son)crucifix,darkness coverd the whole land 3hours(big-ufo eclipse sun?)?

scientifically 'full solar eclipse' can't proceed over 8 minutes!!! (because moon revolve very fast!)

Should I wear a crucifix necklace to display my faith to all?

Let your life demonstrate your faith rather than a piece of jewelry. Nothing wrong with jewelry but today many people wear a cross around their necks and have no faith at all.. display a cross and take His name in vain at the same time. That cross means nothing to them. Let your light shine.

What kind of multimeter must i use inorder to measure currents of less than 1mA?

I have designed a yeast Microbial Fuel Cell using methylene blue as a mediator and Potassium ferricyanide as the cathodic solution, I had even supplied nitrogen in the anodic chamber in order to ensure anaerobic conditions.A Nafion Proton Exchange membrane was also used.Volume of both chambers was 350 ml and carbon cloth electrodes and Cu wires were used.After connecting it to a multimeter and turning the nob to 20 mA I could not get any readings even after a long period of time.Could someone suggest possible corrections or suggest a different multimeter which may help in measuring currents less then 1 mA.

Stripping of Membranes?!?

I am 39 weeks 4 days pregnant with my first baby, I went to l&d last week and was 60% effaced, dilated 1.5cm, and -2 station. I lost my mucous plug today and my doctor is stripping my membranes tomorrow. Does it hurt to have your membranes stripped? What exactly does he do? and does it usually work within a certain period of time? Thank You

Will the people who make offensive Christian art end up in Hell?

Like the famous crucifix in urine, defacing pictures of Jesus in other disgusting ways, etc. If they have been a shining example of Christian living before their "art", will they still go to Hell? Does God care about art?

If I say Islam isn't a religion of peace will the Mulims kill me?

I bet some of them somewhere after reading this do want to kill you for it. It isn't a religion of peace. I read the beginning of it and it is filled with hate. Mainly because the Jewish scholars laughed at Mohammad for his ignorance, so he put a bunch of stuff in it against the Jews.

Atheists: Embryology in Qur'an?

Okay, if the Quran is full of amazing truths, why has not one person decided to predict things from it? Oh wait, that's because you're twisting concepts to fit in with your beliefs.

For the sake of originality, is this an original idea for a story?

No idea is original, and, frankly, ideas don't matter. All that matters is your execution of that idea.

Who has a nuclear membrane?Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?Is the membrane the same as a nuclear envelope?

Eukaryotic cells have a nuclear envelope, which is a double membrane enclosing the nucleus. Prokaryotic cells do not have a nuclear envelope. Their genetic material is concentrated within a region referred to as the nucleoid, which is not surrounded by a membrane.

How can we educate Americans on the subtle nuances of right and wrong?

Judging from popular culture and the nonsense we hear from the mainstream media, a lot of people have already been taught these false "nuances". People have been dumbed-down to the extent that they are A students in Liberal Hypocrisy 101.

Can Christian students were a crucifix in public schools?

I think that anybody should be able to wear anything and say anything that they want to. All beliefs should be honored and respected, and allowed - as long as it poses no harm to other people. I don't think jewelry should ever be considered harmful.

Scared to get into car after car accident?

That fades with time, a similar thing happened to me and it took a while but eventually you realize things will be ok

Turtle laid an egg? Or not?

Okay so we have a Red Eared Slider whom we thought was a boy. However, we noticed something weird in "his" tank tonight which looked like an egg. It was white and oval but very thin, almost just like a membrane? Also, this is an inherited turtle from my step brother...this turtle has never laid an egg before so thought it was male. Anyways...can female turtles lay eggs without the presence of a male? Also why would it be the first time she laid an egg? If not an egg, what could it be?

Can she put me in jail?

Ok let me make this short as possible. My ex girlfriend has recently filed a protective order against me. We have a son and she refused to let me see him. We agreed to a custody mediation and the 1st time we went she told the mediator that she loved me and wanted to work things out. I agreed so we set up a relationship counseling session. She lives with her parents so they pretty much tell her what to do. She called her mom and told her about the relationshoip counseling session we set up and her mother said that if she continues to try to be with me, they are gonna kick her out. She is in college and her ride is in her parents name. They said they would take that as well. So she backed out of the counseling and said we need to do the mediation again and go thru with it. I said fine whatever. Well she picked me up for the 2nd mediation session which was about an hour away. On the way there sh started telling me i was a piece of **** father and talking **** to me. I told her if she doesnt stop talking to me then she needs to let me out of the truck. She refused so i started getting angry. We yelled and cussed back and forth until finally i got in her face and yelled STOP!!!! She stopped and we sat there for a minute. Then i said look, can we just do this for our son??? She said yes and started driving again. About a mile or two down the road she said "you are such a ****** asshole". Well that was the last straw. I wanted out of the vehicle so i told her i was going to call the cops. There was a gas station about 200 yards away and there were 5 state troopers there. I told her i would call the cops and the state troopers would pull her over and arrest her for holding me against my will. She stopped and i got out of the truck.She came bakc 4 times trying to get me back in the vehicle. I was 40 nmiles from home with no ride. I told her no each time to avoid any more altercation. i got a ride from a feriend of mine and went to his house for a little while while he went to his classes. I got a call from the sherriff and she had filed a report. I now have a protective order aginast me because she told them that i threatened her life, and i was going to get someone to whoop her ***. Also she claims i grabbed the steering wheel and jerked her off the road. I did none o those things. now we have a court date set and i want to know if i can go to jail for her accusations. What kind of proof will she need? Can i go to jail for not baing able to pay court costs up front? Can i get a free attorney? Any info would be helpful, but websites or phone numbers showing guidelines and such would be better. I live in louisiana.

Did stripping membranes work for you?

I am pregnant with my third (and last baby) I have been 1cm for over a week with no contractions, haven't lost plug (that I know of) and have had NO spotting... even after being checked. Went to OB yesterday and she tried to strip membranes and move things along. She was hoping that would make me get my bloody show since I havent had that also. My other two children were born before 38 weeks. This was all done yesterday afternoon and I have had no spotting or anything going on. I have had some pressure but no contractions. What is the deal? Is this normal? I thought I'd at least spot after dr doing this.

Help ! Itouch Wont Restore !?

I Have The 4g 8gb itouch in version 4.1 And I had Jail Breaked It A Few Monthes Ago . Apparently Today While I Was Babysitting One Of The Kids Pulled The Cable That My Itouch Was Charging From And Fell And The cracked The Screen . I Did The Just Plug And Press Restore But When It finished Downloading And Started the File It Said Network Error And To Check The Network Settings and to see if my betwork connection was alright. I checked the connection and it was fine but i dont know where the network settinga are and i think thats the problem. I also tried the press and hold the power button and the of and on button and shutting it completly down but the same thing happened. I Had My Itouch plugged in the whole time so i dont know what i did wrong . Amy suggestions on how i can fix this or any other way to restore the itouch ? And wheres the networks settings on the itouch (if there is any).

Hi guys I have a question I like WWE, but when MICHELLE MCCOOL is using the crutches what happen?

because i see a video and i see that michelle mccool is using crutches what happen thats the video because Michelle McCool tells Melina that if she touch michelle she is gonna put melina on jail

I got my membranes stripped today. Do you think it might have worked?

I'm 39 weeks 4 days pregnant with my first child. I'm 4 cm dilated, 75% effaced and at -1 station. The doctor seemed like it would work but I'm scared to get my hopes up. Every since I had it done though I've been having a lot of cramps and my stomach is really hard. But I've had no spotting what so ever. What do you think?

What are some good ways I could help out in my community?

I live in a very small town in Oregon. Like, it's not too small, but it's not huge. We probably have about 21,000 people. I mean, we have a humane society, a homeless shelter, some nursing homes, a jail, a hospital (obviously), & that's about it for volunteering at. I'm just not sure what I could do. I would love volunteering at the jail. That may seem weird, but I really want to. I wanna study criminal justice when I go into college, but I wanna do something involving being in the jail so I can see what it's kind of like. I am 18 though if that gives me more options then it would someone younger than that, but I am a girl. So if anyone knows how I could help out, please let me know. I just graduated high school, so now I have time to get out there & do other things. Thanks :)

Can a non christian wear crucifix pendant?

Hi, I am a non Christian but I believe in Jesus Christ. I really respect him and look up to him. I would love to wear a crucifix pendant as a sign of my faith in him. Can someone tell me if it will be in any way offending to Christians or the lord himself if I do so? Thank you.

I got caught with xanax, hydrocodone, and weed?

First off i don't take pills, i sell them. I was caught with 16 xanax pills, 4 lortab 10s, and about 12 grams of weed... How long will i got to jail (im 16)? this was at school and i have never been caught.

What do you think of these lyrics?

I'm not really inot the whole anti-war thing but political views aside its a pretty decent song. Jus a little too basic and emotionless but whatever your style go for it.

X-Men First Class Question?

I guess that could be possible; but I don't really see what they were trying to get at. Why represent Jesus Christ?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

19 year old DUI with BAC of 0.10, what will happen when he goes to court?

He is 19, got pulled over for expired registration tags in california. The other passengers in the car had been drinking all night which is why he got breathalyzed. He had 2 beers before going behind the wheel. He blew 0.10. He spent the 6 hours in Jail and was released in the morning. What are the possibilities for his sentencing? i.e. will he have to go to jail, or house arrest? How long will his license be suspended? probation? ETC. Will having an attorney make things better and how much better will things be if he gets an attorney? is there any way that with an attorney his license will not be suspended for a year?

Which technique are you?

None of those. I would choose a shotokan move, probably giakuzuki, as I can knock down some random assed street fighter with it easily. Also It is just an awesome move :)

English native speakers help?

none of them, the infinitive to is only used before an infinitive verb, whereas the "to" in these three are used after the verb. The one at the top "he threatened to hit me" is an infinitive though

In politics and the media why is there a massive drive to demonise christianity?

the government passing laws that require me to take off my crucifix at work but a woman can wear a Burka. Also movies depicting Christians as fundamentalist nut jobs. Are they trying to take down the last hurdle for our complete conformity.

Why do guys use me for sex?

Your allowing it. TAKE BACK YOUR BODY! Don't allow men to invade your precious body! Save it for a man who will marry you and truly care about you!

Why shouldent i kill myself?

I'm 18 years old, overwight, have very few friend, I'm anti social so don't tell me go out and meet people because its not that easy, I got made fun of in school since 4th grade, left public school to go online to avoid being bullied, people would call me fat, stupid and ugly and hit me. I'm not smart so I failed a lot of classes, so I'm never going to go to collage. I don't really have any skills, id make a good house wife, but I've only had one boy who would date me and he cheated on me the whole time and only dated me because I was willing to put out. I live with my parents who fight all the time, they don't love each other anymore and it shows, I have two older sisters, one who just passed away in january and one who is in jail. My sister who is in jail has 2 sons that live with my family, both of whom act up all the time, just like their mother but no one will treat them so young and I can't handel the stress of raiseing two kids who misbehave that arnt even mine! My mothers mom treats me like **** and makes me feel like I do everything wrong, I think id be fine if I could just move out, but I can't get a job, have no money, and nowhere to go....ending it now seems like my best option

How can i go about getting surgery without having to tell my parents?

go to planned parenthood and tell them you want birthcontrol. they will do a gyn exam and tell you if something is not right. if there is and there is someone that would fix it without needing parental consent they will give you that info

Catholics, What do you think of this crucifix?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is it a sin for a non-Christian to wear jewelry with a crucifix on it?

No. but see that pendant foes not have the picture of any Deity of other religion, which they may feel a offence. Most of Hare Krishna devotees have the Krishna tatooed over a cross which is an offence. but Hindusjust keep silent and do not want a riot on that case.

I metal crucifix when you open the back there is wood in it .i got it from my dad he got it from his mom .?

i metal crucifix when you open the back there is wood in it .i got it from my dad he got it from his mom and she got it from her dad . i don't know how old it is . its a crucifix that you can have around your neck . i was looking at it and there is very small screws in the back and when you undo them there is 5 small pieces of wood 3 going from the top to the bottom and 2 on the right and left side . i cant find any info about it . please help.

Outer membrane surrounding the yolk, allantois, amd amnion that allows for gas exchange is ?

The outer membrane surrounding the yolk, allantois, and amnion that allows gas exchange is named chorion > a href="" rel="nofollow"

Biological membranes?

Where does the biological membrane synthesis take place in a cell ? Where is the place of a bio membrane destruction in a cell ?

If Daud surrenders with his money,wealth,arms&prays for clemency before the President,is it posible to forgive?

Some years back, I read in a local newspaper that once Daud expressed his willingness to return to his motherland, that is India, on condition that he may be given clemency. I don't know whether this report was true or false. But it is a natural desire for every human beings to return to his own motherland, where he or she has spent all his moments of life starting from the childhood days, teenage, and youth. Someone's past or present life may be related with crimes, but among them, few have also a desire to lead a normal life where no one will hate him or fear him, but he or she will be accepted by the society and loved by the people, and he will not have to live a life in isolation from the society or the country. I have seen that Abu has been returned to our country, and he is now in the jail, and he is wishing that someday he may be released from the jail and live a life like a normal man. But here the question is that many lives has been expired due to their past crimes. And the people who have lost their near and dear ones, they may want and try in every way at every stage that he may be hanged by the court of law. My question is simply a legal one. From the legal point of view, is it possible that even after such high crime records, if he desires to live a normal life returning to India, and prays for forgiveness before the President of India and be prepared to live some of his life years behind the bar, is it possible that he may be pardoned under the Indian Penal Code and Judiciary system?

I just bought a catholic crucifix today at a flee market?

i just bought a catholic crucifix today at a flee market the shop owner told me it was worn and sold by a catholic priest it is a big crucifix necklace and has silver steel outlined and the middle is like either a black onyx or black marble in lined and under Jesus feet is a skull and crossbones please someone explain what this means please thank you

If you restore a ipod that is jailbroken does it stay jailbroken?

i got a ipod off ebay and its jail broken but there is a password on it. if i restore it on my itunes will it still be jail broken when i restore it? or do you know how to take off the password without restoring it? please help!

Does any species eat its own species?

Like would a spider eat a spider for food? I'm high and just thought of this question. Its stuck in my head and google didn't. Wtf google. I'm trippin out on this question hahaha its a trip! Oh another question out of random thinking. Is it illegal to eat human flesh? Like if that person said it was ok and you could kill and eat them. Would you go to jail if you did it? I wonder what it taste like. I need to find someone to kill......

Rupture of membranes, any one had it done by their doctor?

I'm 40 weeks pregnant and my dr just ruptured my membranes, what should I expect? Isn't this when the water breaks? I'm back home waiting for contractions to kick in (hopefully soon) but I'm just nervous and want to hear about other peoples' experience with this. I'm already 2 cm dilated. I hope all goes well with me and the baby. thanks for your answers.

39 weeks, 2 cm, 40% effaced and just lost my mucus much long do i have?

I wish I could say when it would happen as I am pretty much in the same boat waiting and wondering! In my previous pregnancies I gave birth within 48 hrs of losing my mucus plug but this pregnancy has been completely different I lost my mucus plug two weeks ago and here I still am today is my due date and this little one shows no signs of going anywhere!! The head is fully engaged I am at least 3cm dilated my cervix is soft but still thick and I have been getting tonnes of pressure for days now! I have tried all the old wives tales walking, steps, sex, spicy food and I give up it will come when it comes! Good Luck though

If all living things were magically rendered dead?

It seems to me that there will always be oxygen in the atmosphere. Oxygen can be produced from the decomp and reactions involving a multitude of oxides. The amount would be dramatically less than today's level but once the element is introduced into the system it would be hard to totally eliminate it. It's like trying to totally eliminate a recessive allele from a gene pool. Also volcanic activity has a hand in keeping the atmosphere rich in oxygen. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Biology Regents 2011 answers?

the last one the answer is explosion nothin with the chemical-i checked the answer sheet after,the plant cell was cell,wallthe boy looking like father i wrote the mothers is internal like blood and stuff. the coral was both positive what was the one with the deer?? i wrote parasite and predator is that right???? the antibiotics one i wrote take it for as long as said dont stop in middle, and make new stronger antibiotics. estrogen was receptors or somthing what was the one with the small leaf and big leaf?

Can hamsters eat WALNUTS with SHELL?

I can't imagine how a hamster could crack a walnut shell...? Unless you're talking about pre-cracked walnuts that happen to have some shell on them...

Is Andres Serrano going to Hell?

He's the photographer who made "Piss Christ" in 1987. It's a little wooden crucifix that he sunk in a jar filled with his own pee. The National Endowment for the Arts gave him a bunch of money for it! What's the deal? I just wanted to know if he could still save himself if he tried. Let me know!

What is a alternative to a necklace chain?

i would love to wear a crucifix around my neck but unfortunatly i am allergic to a chain. wether silver or gold it doesn't matter they make me itch, red and sore. my friend suggested a boot lace but will that look stupid?

Have Muslims gone just too far?

Yes they have.That is why France and England are quietly and slowly deporting them.And we should be to.

[POLL] What are your opinions of this?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do you beat escape 3d the jail on iPod touch?

I have everything the wires in the light Thingy and the blade saw with the clay and the sheet how do I get out!?!?!?

Cat health issues! Fleas and tapeworms.?

Alright.. where to begin? I live in a two bedroom apartment in florida with 2 other people.. each of us had a cat. Originally it was just the two kittens (who are now four months old) but then my other room mate brought home her mother's cat when she moved. A few weeks later we started noticing fleas. So the kittens were dewormed and I bought a flea treatment for the kittens.. A month later now though, they have tapeworms again. I called the vet yesterday to talk about getting a shot for treatment but she informed me that it's pretty useless before dealing with the fleas. I purchased a spray for the carpeting, furniture and baseboards of the walls..manages to apply it yesterday in the living room at least for the first time.. and vacuumed and disposed of the contents out in the dumpster in a sealed bag.. changed the litter boxes and wiped them out before refilling.. Here's the real issue though.. my room mate (with the 3rd cat) is a horrible pet owner, really.. She barely pays any attention at all to her cat, and even though she has fleas.. has not brought her to the vet, combed her, or bathed her.. she rarely changes the litter box (I have to do it for her) .. and the damn cat isn;t fixed.. it's a girl.. and mine are two boys 4months old.. Let's make matters even more complicated still, she's invited a friend of hers to stay with us for a few days now, with NO warning whatsoever.. not like I had an option to say no without being a total dick since he was already here with all his luggage and such. There just could not possible be a worse time for her to do this, really.. he seems like a polite person, but since he's in the living room now.. I don't know how I'm going to even begin to deal with the fleas.. The spray I have is toxic to inhale.. or absorb through skin or membranes.. so I have to lock the cats in the bedrooms to apply it in the living room.. and be sure to open the windows (we are on the second floor) to air out the apartment while it dries.. I don't want to put off treating them any longer than I have to, since the worms in the kittens stools are about an inch.. inch and a half long! Gross, I know.. and I feel horrible about it, I really do. I want to give them a bath with flea shampoo I had purchased.. I may still do that anyway tonight.. and then apply the advantix (I think that is the brand) I got from the vet. It seemed to rid them of fleas for about 3 and a half weeks.. before I noticed them scratching again. I'm just really aggrevated.. I want so badly for her to be out of the apartment, or at the very least to be rid of her annoying, neglected siamese cat. Someone like her should not have a pet in my opinion.. there are many days she forgets to even feed her.. and so I do that too.. along with picking up after her hairballs, and cleaning the waste she leaves behind when she poos outside her box on the kitchen floor! I spend so much time catering after her animal.. and she KNOWS we have a flea problem, but she invites company over without even asking first. I don't know if maybe I'm over-reacting.. but I don't think I am.. I didn't get the chance to tell her about the worms yet, I just noticed them yesterday morning.. I guess I'll just text her that info. What should I do? I'm overwhelmed.. If I give them a bath with the flea treatment and then apply the advantix later after they have dried will it work okay? Or should I wait to do the shampoo and just apply the liquid treatment to the back of the necks on the skin? I need to at leats get them off of them so I can take them to the vet.. I don't want to wait! But with the company here, I feel I have no option.

If a protein transport channel for a Na+ ion is opened in a cell membrane, the Na+ ion will move ____ the cell?

Into the cell. The concentration of sodium is much higher outside the cell, so opening the membrane causes sodium to enter so the cell can be in equilibrium with the outside.

Is it "non-christian" for me to be interested in Hell?

Hey. Im not extremely you wouldn't find a crucifix in every room, but I go to church every Sunday. (Im christian-catholic) Lately Ive taken a huge interest in Satan, demons and hell. I want to know about them and what kind of things they are. Im always on sites about hell and googleing demons and satan. My parents yell at me and tell me its not right to take an interest. Is it wrong?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is your opinion of Editorial It Gets Even Worse?

Well Annie the ILLEGAL immigrants are a problem and having a view that the flood of them (as is the current state of things) is a good thing is folly. I have seen the effect of the flood of illegals in this country, they bring the wages down and the employers have all the power since they will not complain because of their illegal status. I cannot compete with that and I do not speak spanish, and that is a requirement more and more in jobs in AMERICA. So if you would take a minute to get off your soap box and look at real Americans who are negatively effected by them that would be appreciated.

My ex girlfriend is in jail, what now?

Her asshole bf just broke up with her cuz he said he wanted a girl he could see. I've been there for her since her court date last month. It was always just me and her family, none of her other "friends" ever came to visit her. I've been trying to get her back and everytime i see her she shows alot of signs that she misses me but the problem is... her court date is in a week and if she fails she's gonna be in jail for about 4 months. i'm not going to leave her, i don't care how long she's in there. my question was, how long should i wait before i make a move on her or do you think i should just wait till she gets out?

Is this right? Cell cycle?

During Interphase, chromosomes duplicate to produce sister chromatids. During prophase, duplicated chromosomes condense and duplicated chromosomes migrate to the equatorial plane of the cell and the nuclear envelope breaks down. During metaphase sister chromatids of each duplicated chromosome move to opposite poles of the cell. During anaphase, chromosomes decondense and new nuclear membranes forms. During telophase, membranes form between daughter cells

What do you think of this t-shirt?

hehe, i like them,i like them in you shop, but this is a male t-shirts. i like the style with cross , because i am a christian. i am new one, if you want to make friends with me ,sent message to me , thanks

Am i going the right path?

About a year ago i was in the whole satanic pahse or something but i wasnt actually part of, more like a outsider. Iv'e done bad things to the crucifix i'm not going to get into detail, but i was christian before. I want to go to church on sunday but if there is a god will he forgive me or should i just stick with satanism? please i need answers!!

What happen to anyone who tried protesting against the vatican laws or belifes?

Im 15 and doing a social studies paper and iv choosen the vaican because i already know a lil about the subject. anyways i need your help! one of the questions i have to answer is.. how did your government (mine being the vatican theocracy) control anyone who wanted to criticize this new system (censorship of the free press).. i really need help... i cant find any detail on what they did. did they even care about about people protesting towards it? did they kill them? throw them in jail? What did they do about people who thought it was a load of crap? i know they were punished but how? WHAT? please help paper due soon and i cant think at the moment !


i am 38 weeks + 5 days pregnant i am only 1cm dilated and im 50% effaced baby head is down and i was wondering if i can ask my doctor to perform a membrane sweep today because im having really bad hip and back pain which makes it unbearable to walk or use the bathroom . do you think she will do it this early

PSYCHOLOGY, i just have a few questions! please?

Ok so the first questions answer is Efferent Neurons; the second question is Afferent neurons is to efferent neurons; The third question is A) a Large Polarization of the neuron; and last but not least the answer is D) the Sympathetic nervous system.

Do you think this kid is a borderline pedophile?

My cousin is 19 and is only interested in dating 12 and 13 year old little girls. We keep warning him that he's gonna get himself in trouble and probably end up in jail but he won't listen. When we tell him he needs to find someone his own age, he says he doesn't like girls his age. It's not like these relationships are strictly for companionship, everyone is aware that they're sexual relationships and that he's sleeping with these girls. He refuses to take anyone's advice and keeps going after these little girls. Do you think the kid's just misunderstood or do you think he's probably a pedophile? Everyone in the family finds his behavior really inappropriate and thinks he's a pedophile but my aunt says he's just an idiot and nothing more. What do you guys think?

How do I fix the problem with my iphone?

my iphone crashed from it being jail broken this is my Second iphone that i've jail broken, and both have crashed however the first iphone I had I was able to have someone restore and it started working fine. As for my second one it did exactly what my first one did it was working fine when it suddenly froze and shut off. I'd try to turn it on but it would only show the apple logo ive tried restoring the one I have but no luck what should I do ?

Is it a crime to feed birds in the park?

Today my mom & I went bird feeding as usual whenever we stroll by the park. While we were feeding the birds, this one angry b*tch a$$ lady came & b*tched at us about bird feeding. I wanted to say something back at her but my mom told me to just run. When we ran to our car, I looked back & the angry lady threatened us with her cane shouting at us that she could call the police & send her to jail if we come by to the park to feed the birds again. My mom told me that she has mental issues. Is it a crime to feed birds outside? & can we go to jail with this reason? Could we still continue to feed birds? What if that b*tch comes back?

Why do parents almost always support their kids if they go to jail, but it's common to reject gay kids?

I think that's sad. There's nothing wrong with love, and people treat that as a crime. People are more scared of homosexuals than they are of a man holding a gun about to shoot everyone.

Do you think that France has the right ....?

i think it's outrageous,but as far as i know there are other country's with similar rules.As you know europe is big. if i'm right the danish have also rules. it's like telling a jew, he's not allowed to wear is head-thing and muslims the same they ware also a cap . this should not be allowed

I have decided to replace my christmas tree with a cross to make Christmas more jesusy?

Is it ok to decorate my crucifix with my old tree decorations and lights? ( the cross is about the same height as my old christmas tree (5 ft) but it only has two branches)

In Runescape, what's behind the Jail Door in the Strongold of Player Safety? This is west of where the Cockroa?

Whenever I try to enter, I get a message saying “The door seems to be locked by some sort of mechanism”. Yet I've seen others enter before... Is it because I'm not a member? What's behind the door, anyways?

Why is a deadbeat mom over $20,000 in arrears ,not fiercely attacked like a dad owing mere pennies in Fla?

This is a sexist world although women want to be treated as equils they arent in most cases. This being proof of that notion. If you want something done get a lawyer and do it yourself or forget about it.

Does any species eat its own species?

Like would a spider eat a spider for food? I'm high and just thought of this question. Its stuck in my head and google didn't. Wtf google. I'm trippin out on this question hahaha its a trip! Oh another question out of random thinking. Is it illegal to eat human flesh? Like if that person said it was ok and you could kill and eat them. Would you go to jail if you did it? I wonder what it taste like. I need to find someone to kill.......

Can some one please go to twitter jail with me?

ok i have been on twitter for a while... and a lot of my friends have been to different twitter jails... i want to go but i cant find any one who would go with me... and i really want to go... so im asking some one to go with me... plus if you ever follow me... i always follow back... no matter how many followers i have... !! so my question is ... can some one go to twitter jail with me

Radical christian zealots?

I'm offended when religious people say stupid things about atheists, but I don't riot in the streets or destroy art work. I guess that makes me civilized.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How many years in jail for making a fake on myyearbook?

I'm 13 years old and made a fake on and i met this guy who asked me out and i said yes. only a day later he kept telling me he was overdosing on pills and tried my hardest to stop him. He stopped. But now hes saying hes shooting himself for me "not caring." I told him i really care about him and that he shouldnt because i would live my whole life beating myself up about him killing himself. I'm really scared because what if he actually does? He has clinical depression and im really scared. If the police search my fake profile and track me down how much trouble would i be in? I would be a murderer because i "caused his death" Im not telling him to do it im honestly trying to help him but hes not listening. Would i go to jail because of it? Identity stealing... :(

Why does my mom bully me all the time?

my mom makes horrible comments to me all the time. For the past month, it has only gotten worse. I have a darker image, you see. I wear a lot of black, black make up, my hair is black, etc. Im a goth if you haven't already guessed. She says things like "Do you worship satan? You have a crucifix on your wall? Is it up side down? Do you think your a vampire?" etc.. What do I do? I cant stand it anymore.

Will the Lord forgive me? (For Catholics)?

You shouldn't quit church because of a guy. Have you looked for other Catholic churches that are farther away? even if you had to drive like 45 minutes or so to get to church.. its just once a week. If you are going to quit church just because of something like this it doesn't sound like you are very serious about it to begin with.

What is a perfect cell to you?

With the Cell membrane, nucleus and some other sub parts, of course. But if you had to improve the cell, how would you and why?

Would you let your kids dig into a Crucifix Cake?

I thought of it as a joke but apparently someone made one: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

If you could move into an extemely haunted house would you?

If you could move into an extremely haunted house would you? would you put crucifixes on all the walls and have holy water founts in every room?

How can I tell my cousin that her ostentatious crucifix annoys me?

Hey, don't you think it'd be better to leave that at home? I'm sure it's too valuable (or it's embarrassing).

Can dreams predict the future?

A few years ago, my uncle who I hadn't seen in a long time had gone to jail, and I didnt know anything about it. i wasn't even that close to him, i only saw him once every 3 or 4 months. then one night i had a dream that I was in the hallway of my house, and Sirius Black from Harry Potter had escaped from jail and he was crouching on the ledge of an open window. He looked like Sirius Black, but he was really my uncle. there were police sirens in the background then he looked at me and said "I'll be out soon, on August 7th. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Then he jumped out and flew away. When i woke up, I was curious about my uncle because i hadn't seen him for about a year, so i asked my dad. my dad told me that my uncle was in jail, and that he was getting out on august 7th. the strange thing is, in Harry Potter, Sirius Black was a prisoner, so it fit in perfectly. I don't believe that the dream was a coincidence. another time, i dreamt that my family was floating up in space, and when i looked at my mom, I noticed that her hair was really short, up to her ears. I'd never seen her hair that short, so I was surprised. When I asked her about it, she said "Oh I got my hair cut, because I wanted a change. Do you like it?" and she was wearing a pink shirt. the next day when I came home from school, my mom was wearing a pink shirt and her hair was up to her ears. It was surprising because she never would've cut her hair that short, it's normally very long. i'd also have dreams where a great grandparent or someone from my family from generations ago would sit and talk to me. Then when I woke up and asked my parents about it, they'd get all scared because they had no idea how I knew about their grandparents, because no one had ever told me about them. So what do you think about these dreams? Do you think it's just a coincidence, or that it had a meaning to it?

Why are latinos upset over illegal arrested for traffic violations?

I agree most illegal immigrants noways come via air travel and then over stay with their visas.. It will eventually catch up to them. But most are not Latinos (even thou the media focuses in on them), most are Indians, Arabs, Chinese, Koreans, etc

Chances of going into labour early with second baby?

My first was born at 38 weeks spontaneous rupture of membranes and spontaneous labour. He is only 7 months old and im almost 21 weeks pregnant. They will be at most 11 and a half months apart. My just wondering if having them closer together would put extra pressure on my body and sense my first was 2 weeks early could this one come early also? I know every pregnancy is different and i still may go to 42 weeks :) but i was just wondering if anyone has any input?

Subject: admiralty court?

who makes up the admiralty court? where is it located? where is their jurisdiction? what did Jim Johnson do to be jailed? what recourse does Johnson have?

How much do you think these antique items may be?

I've found many things on the Thames, including bone buttons, military and naval buttons to bullet shells. However, a few years ago, I found what looked like a clay wig curler, I know they were used in the 1600's by judges and they curled their wigs with them, hence the name wig curler. I also have a cross in what I believe to be made out of copper or brass, the Jesus has been removed, which I know Protestants used to do to Christian crucifixes during the middle ages as a sign of disrespect to them. How much do you think these items cost.

Why is Religion so hung up on Symbols: Statues, Crucifixes, Saints yet to his followers Jesus stressed Love?

I would say it is because people always want to make a statement and want attention, even if it is bad, it is attention for them. Look at all the tattoos that people wear now. And, I have seen the big cross on their back. Funny, I remember years ago people wearing a small cross around their neck to show that they professed to be "Christian", or perhaps they were stating they were Catholic. Now it is just "a thing". They could own a Buddha and say they are Protestant, really they don't see a problem. However, those that are professing being Christian should be following Christ and those symbols would never be used, as they come from the ancient city of Babylon where all false teachings come from.

If Christ Jesus is the word?

It's because most of the people don't know what they're doing, they say they are Christians but they don't read the bible. They say they're Christians, but all they do is what the pope tells them. They say they're Christians, but they worship Mary. What else to say?

Part of my novel -- man is stabbed with crucifix...what do you think?

then when the crucifix is pulled out it magically turns into tampon still with victims blood!! BOO!!

Agree or Disagree: The Ministry of Darkness set the Standard for "Too Far" in Pro-Wrestling?

I have to think the standard bearer of "too far" was when The One Man Gang turned into Akeem.Mostly because it was weak,though.

How do I get my games to work again from USB Loader GX?

My Wii was jail broke for me and it cost $80. I have a bunch of games on it and it worked fine until recently when it was unplugged then plugged back in. Now when I go to my USB Loader it gives me a black screen with codes and at the bottom it say Reloading in 5 seconds, but it doesn't do anything. HELP!!! I can't afford to pay someone to fix this.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Do u think i should have told him that he may or may not be the father or just let it alone?

I just told his guy i had sex with a year ago that he may be the father of my one year old daughter. (she will be two years old in about two months). We just had sex one time, but we did not use any protection at all. It can only be two possible fathers and thats him and another guy (just between two men). (The other guy has not been tested, he is in and out of jail all the time and its hard to get in contact with him or then call him). So then he asked why did you take so long in telling me that she may or may not be mines. I always known in the back of my mind, but just really never said nothing about it. I have gone through a lot in the past year besides having a baby, i have been homeless, depressed, i almost lost my mind in the process, so this is what i been through so telling him that he may be the father really wasn't on my mind. But when i told him, he said why u think she mine, why u took so long in contacting me, and how can i find out if shes mine or not. So i told him the only way to really find out if shes yours is to take an DNA Test (blood test) for you and her. But when i told him he wasn't mad or had no attitude or nothing, he just wanted to know why i took so long, and why i think that she may be his. So this is my question: Do u think i should have told him that he may or may not be the father or just let it alone and continue not to say nothing????? He wants to come see the baby before taking an DNA Test i told him thats fine, but i wonder why he wants to see her first????? (Every child needs to know their father and have a relationship with him thats what i believe.)

Jesus anti-God or the anti-Christ?..or both?

Really good points you raise. Although, the Holy Trinity, (God came to earth in flesh as Jesus for our salvation, the raised spirit, the holy ghost), The devil's works are much greater than any christian or man ponders and yes, most people do not question intelligently the possibilities of Satan's persuasions or power. Just as is quoted in the bible, "we do not wrestle against flesh but against spirits and principalities." When we quit thinking and just believing what we are told is Satan's biggest power over mankind.

What makes sweeping your membranes work? (If it does). ?

I'm not sure how it works, but it didn't work for me. I had it done twice, but still had to be induced. Good luck to you!

Sick Kitten Emergency!?

Seems to me that the only option you have is to do it yourself. You are doing everything you can at the moment. Thank God the kitten found you or he wouldn't have made it this far. If something happens at this point, God forbid, you will know you did everything you could. Good luck.

Should drugs be legal?

No. It's an argument worthy of a third grader. No Billy, just because everyone is doing it, doesn't make it right.

Who are all the people that in the back of the courtroom?

50 people from the public are allowed in each day. Most of them wait from like 11pm the night before in order to get in.

Do you agree with France's approach to religion?

The banning of burkas in public, as well as the visible wearing of crosses, crucifixes, stars of David etc. I think it's a good thing, REAL separation of religion and state, keeping religion purely as something personal and private.

Can you get into the airforce with demestic felony?

my baby daddy wanted in the airforce but we got drunk and got into a bad missunderstanding it got vilent. can he still join it wasnt like he beat me to death just like like wresiling around and slapping biting and hitting (my mom) called the cops and he is now in jail and wants to join the airforce for a better life for our child. is it still possible

Can you bail someone out of jail after they have been sentenced?

I know this sounds dumb, but I know you can bail someone out of jail before their court date. However, say they went to court, and were sentenced to a couple months in jail. Could you bail them out still?

What is the point in me living anymore?

No one wants me alive, and I'm so sick of pain and stress and lonliness and emptiness that I myself don't want me alive. I have so many problems right now, and I keep looking for solutions to them, trying every single solution, and nothing ever works. And its the middle of summer and I haven't hung out with anyone(Im fifteen). And I have a phone, but no one has Texted me since the last day of school. Except my bf, rarely, who's grounded for the entire summer. Some of my family acts like I don't exist while the rest just put me down. My hair is falling out and im too young to be going bald but my hair is so much thinner than it used to be. I can't feel anything anymore. I've already gone to a psych, and it didn't help me at all.. I can't remember what its like to have a good day, and I feel like I have no friends anymore. I feel like everything I do is wrong and I'm never doing enough and I'm always super stressed. I have been praying to God for years and nothing has gotten any better. I was abused when I was little, but only once, and the person is in jail I think. Sometimes it bothers me, but I don't think it has much to do with anything except when I start thinking about it again. I lived with my dad most of my life but he's never been there for me. I live with my mom now, and she seems to want to help, maybe, but if I ever try to say anything to her she just gets frustrated and starts yelling. My older sister and the husband she has manipulated into hating me wont leave me alone. Its like whenever I say i'm most hurt, they say things to hurt me worse. No one talks to me. What do I even have left to do? I feel useless, hopeless, and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm not going to kill myself, Ive tried, and it hurts a lot worse when I'm still alive afterwards. so I gave up on it. Can anyone tell me what I can do? A solution to this mess? I just...I'm sick of always feeling like crap, no matter how much I try to feel good and solve my problems.

Christian scientists, how many pounds of beans and cabbage must I consume to achieve full levitation?

You will need to consume 6 pounds of each BUT you must remember to carry 4 20 oz Easy Squeeze bottles of Hidden Valley Ranch as ballast.

How can i know the magnetic resonance of a membrane protein?

hi, i would like to find the magnetic resonance frequency of the Sodium Channel, in particular the S4 protein of the Alfa unit.

Why do christians do this, and why are jehovah witnesses frowned upon for not dong those things?

Because all Protestant religions are branches of the Catholic religion. On the other hand J.W's is a branch of the true Church,mainly Jesus and his Apostles.

HIV??,Help i accidetnally used SOMEONE elses athlethic cup, HIV?

gross that sucks... if stds and hiv can't live in toilet seats it probably can't live on that either..

Xfiles question please help me?

theres an episode i want to watch it is the one about people having some root that is (persons neck) and they die from it. also looking for the episode where theres a midget demon killing a fat guy in the kiddy pool and in the end of that episode the midget demon visits a jail and kills a man in his jail cell. the third one in the beginning of the episode there is an person hiding in the closet from a another person but this person has something coming out of his mouth and kills the man in the closet instantly. the fourth episode something of a metal thing that was made from bone tissue they leave the metal thing alone in the hospital and it builds itself to a alien or something can't remember please help me find these four episodes.

Can he tell when we have sex that ive been cheating?? ?

ok so me and my boyfriend, husband really..we've been living together for about 3 1/2 yrs, have been apart for 4 months since hes been in jail. before this our relationship a lil rocky with a lot of fighting between us. Recently since hes been gone ive had sex, a few times, and hes already thinking this is happening and he wrote me saying that he'll find out when he gets home and we have sex. is he right ? Can he tell? One guy was bigger, two about his size, and the other not so big. Over a period of 3 months.. :/ and now hes coming home in 2 more wks and I havent had sex in a wk.

How can I restore a jail broken iPod and iPhone 4?

Always get an error message I see other people have this problem but never an answer that wroks! I have the newest I tunes. Just please give me something that works! (:

I'm currently on my way up to Heaven. What did you guys get in your gift bags?

Just got Raptured. Currently cruising at 60,000 feet. My gift bag has the special edition iPhone Rapture, a Salvi brand harp with inlaid Mother of Pearl, a solid gold crucifix and some bath soaps. What did you guys get?

Atheists: AllahSWT knew you were going to deny the Qur'an and call them "fairy tales"?

If I made up a bunch of crap & told everybody about it - How hard do you think it'd be for me to be able to predict that people were going to ridicule it?

Is this a valid reason for a doctor to induce labor?

I have arthritis in my knees, back, and hands. This pregnancy has been really rough on me and now at 37 weeks the baby's weight has made it very difficult to move and almost impossible to complete daily tasks. I can't take my med.s due to pregnancy and Tylenol isn't doing crap for me. It hurts to move. I'm already in early labor and dilated to 1 cm. On top of all this doctors think I may have a mild form of tuberous sclerosis ( there is a 50% chance of me passing it on to my child, I didn't know I could be carrying this till after I saw a high risk OB). This can cause seizures and retardation. The stress is starting to throw me into a depression along with my inability to get around the house. If I explain this to the Ob do you think she would swipe my membrane or induce me? I am terrified of her thinking I'm being selfish or pushy...

Question about probation ?

whats the minumun amout of time a minor will stay in jail , if she breaks probation . ( example : drinking & out past curfew)

Plants vs zombies itouch app problem?

It probably is because your iPod is so old. I have an iPhone 4 and it plays perfectly. Also, my friends who have iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4 have no problem. But I have seen on the reviews on the app store that many people have that problem with their earlier ipod/IPhones. It would have to just be an update conflicting with your hardware.

My friend has lost her virginity but still thinks that she might be a virgin?

My friend told me that when she was a kid around 4 / 5 years of age she was playing in her building and this car stopped around the corner. The guy from the car waved at her and asked her to come forth. When she went there he asked her to sit in the car and started offering her all these toys. After a few minutes he threw the toys away and started to put his hand inside her shirt and feel stuff around and then he threw her in his lap and masturbated her very very badly, she was bleeding and screaming too. Then one of her tiny friends came by and started knocking on the window asking the man to let her go and the man shoo-ed the kid away. Finally he let go of her. My friend went home crying and did'nt tell her mom about it. When she went to the toilet the blood had leaked to her thigh and to her foot and when she peed in the toilet she noticed a chunk of fleshy membrane along with the slight blood in the urinal. She told me about this and I explained to her that it was her hymen but she would'nt listen to me. It has been 13 years to that thing now and she has never told her mom or her family and she does'nt want to go to the doctor and get herself checked. She wants to believe that she is a virgin when its obvious that she isn't. I can't force her or anything but is it right for her to believe something that isn't true? She needs to get checked. Besides this when she was dating one of my other friends and they had a very bad break up she drank all these fluids and over dozed her self with medicines which cause a kidney failure in her body. She isn't being able to pee straight cause of it and notices occassional pains while peeing around the cervix. She does'nt listen to me when I tell her to go to the hospital? shes scared that the doctors might involve her parents and tell them about her non virginity and might blame her for having slept with someone when she has'nt?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why go gypsies always try to steal when they come into my store?

The only gypsies that I ever met told me that they were Irish travelers and they always tried to steal from my store. I have had this problem for 26 years. In addition the police never are able to throw them in jail they always skip town. But they come back every summer to make my life miserable. You will notice that they never tell you how they get their money. I always Laugh when a gypsy will post and say that they are honest. I have been in Europe many times and any gypsy that I have met tell me that it is a God given gift being able to steal without being caught. Watch my Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and see the thousands of dollars they spend on parties and weddings, yet they don't work and live in trailers...really.

Can law enforcement issue a warrant for your arrest if you already went to jail and court for the same offense?

i got three charges, sat in jail and went to court. two charges were time served and the third was dropped, however i now have a warrant for that same charge that was supposably "dropped". i called and they said it never got dropped. can they do that?

My crazy dream (bleeding trees)....?

It's simply a manifest of fear. The crown of thorns is what our savior Jesus Christ wore when he was crucified. So you probably saw Him.

In Crucifixions the person would be on the cross naked, so why doesn't Jesus idol be naked on the crucifix?

(I love Jesus very much, but there would not have been a loin cloth because they would crucify the person naked, so why do Christians even change that as they have changed everything else in the religion that Jesus started?)

This girl threatened me. can i still get her thrown in jail?

I hooked up with this girls bf and she sent me a message saying " won't get away with it...I won't rest until you get what you deserve" something like that. But a couple weeks later she sent a message she she was sorry for reacting like that and that she'd never actually hurt me. Can she still go to jail?

Black People Boycotting America?

What would truly happen to America, if every single African American, boycotts America. Think about it dont think I am just trolling. Because truly think about how Africans have been depicted by America for 500 years to date, we physically help build America, literally bloodvsweat and tears in to America. Now when Asians, and Hispanics, can say my ancestors put there all into America what should we get. But blacks have been pushed aside far too long in America. We deserved to be here just as much as whites. Hell even the Native Americans should. Yet we are now a melting pot, thats what America represents. It took to 2011 a black president to get in, and didnt have respect from everyone until he kills Osama. This economy would collapse if we simply said no jordans, no McDonalds, no Clothes. Just enough to get us by, the Government, and the nation would truly appreciate us. Its like when Martin Luther King died, my great grandparents said "what are we going to do", not America but black people. So sometimes you cant worry about everybody, you have to take care of your people. Its 2011 and not much has changed, except for signs being taken of bathrooms, and schools segragated. And its almost like " we gave you ******* what you wanted, so be thankful", now quit being a bother. People dont realise how much we affect Amereica. Whether its the jail being full, or us as a whole. We can truly make or break this American economy.

What does it mean to Protect God?

I have this crucifix that I've had for over 10 years. But there is this engraving on the back of it....... take a look.


I was given work release. I don't have the money to go sign up. The deadline for me to go sign up is in a few days. I just want to go do the jail time instead and get this **** past me. Can anyone tell me how I do that? Do I go put myself on calendar at court and tell the judge ide rather do the time in-custody? Or do I tell my probation officer? Can anyone that's had this situation come up too, please let me know? Or someone who might just know what to do? the advice is very much appreciated? Thanks.

Christians who wear crucifixes: honestly, when Christ returns do you think he's ever going to...?

I don't wear a crucifix.A crucifix has Jesus still on it, and He isn't on it anymore. I wear a cross sometimes. That is to show who I am, and the cross is empty because He isn't there anymore. He is alive and He is going to return. Besides all of that, He overcame the cross and death. Jesus knows what's in my heart, and the cross doesn't scare Him. Thanks for asking, though.

Who has the app for IPod Touch called Escape 3D: The Jail?

Video walkthrough: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a :)

I need help on my homework, please help!?

It's basically asking for things that are the same and different between cell walls and cell membranes. You migt want to think about a ven diagram (idk if i spelled that right). For a start cell walls are on the outside of plant cells.

When we say the cell membrane is selectively permeable, we mean that?

selectivley permeable means it is selective about allowing the entry and exit of molecules into and out the has got nothing to do with the options you listed!

WBCs are larger than RBCs but then also WBCs pass from the membrane of capillaries but RBCs don't how and why?

WBCs are larger than RBCs but then also WBCs pass from the membrane of cappilaries but RBCs don't how and why? What is this process called?Plz help me ASAP.

How do I break up my mom and her scummy boyfriend?

I am white man and 17 years old and when I was 14 my older sister who was 19 was raped by a group of black men who were racist against white people and were part of some group that admired malcom x,the grand wizard of the black kkk.Ever since then my sister has been a mess and into drugs and goth culture even after the pieces of trash who raped her were thrown into jail.It left an impression on me because I always here about white people being so racist but I live in an area where black and mexican people are the majority and I am always called craker and white boy and blanquito and gringo and the victim of racism.My mom who raised me and my sister alone since my dad died in iraq in 2004 has been going with this black guy and I dont want him around my family.I am not racist but i dont like the idea of 2 people from different races being together.The other night i confronted him and I was like get away from my mom and he got all mad and called me a little white ***** so I called him the n word,not cause I am racist but because I was all mad but my mom got all mad at me cause I said that word but she didnt get mad at her boyfriend for being racist againt me! What the hell do I do man?

How long can they hold someone without charging them?

my boyfriend was arrested in september. He was released in april but he is still sitting in jail waiting for his hearing to go to Baltimore. I have been giving the run around about this. I need help. I'm not sure what my next step should be. he has not had a trial or been sentenced yet. how can they keep him there when he was released? and how long can they hold him?

Protestants, which of these statements is not true?

Protestants have received every true belief they possess from the Catholic Church. Obviously they could not have received idolatry from the Catholic Church since it doesn't exist there.

A religious double standard?

I think the standards get relaxed to appease the masses. Imagine how the ranks of christianity would be decimated if everybody with a tattoo was kicked out and all the Red Lobsters were burned to the ground in the name of god. Gays get picked on because it's still safe to do so without significantly inconveniencing the "flocks".

Should i be afraid she is possesed?

okay me friend has recently been expierencing the worst things all of them have started ever since her younger brother had slammed a door accidently on her head or something and she developed a huge cut and started bleeding rly badly she wuz fainting on and off and wuz rushed to the emergency. ever since then bad things started happening to her. unintentionally spilled hot tea leaves all over her etc. millions of things. she is hindu and umm she listens to screamo and i believe used to cut herself at one point. i heard these things can affect. umm she told me the other night she woke up all of a sudden at 5 am and couldnt go back to bed. she said she felt something wouldnt let her. she says she feels like she is scared but doesnt know why. umm i also asked her how she felt if i mentioned a crucifix and she said she "nothing really i guess i am nervous" she hasnt answered all of my other questions. but i am extremely worried for her. its not just accidents like normal ones its ones like inexplicable pushing, falling objects. she also told me the other day she had woke up and felt like needles were being shoved through her hands? should i be worried? cuz i think i should.

Isn't it true that the way to secure economic growth and create jobs is to legalise marijuana?

If they sold it in stores they could put a tax on it to make a profit and also people would stop being jailed for smuggling cannabis which would also save a hell of a lot of money. This is the way to get Britain back to economic profit, don't you think?

The outer boundary of the cell that controls movement of material between the interior and exterior of the....?

C since the cell membrane regulates which molecules can move in and out of the cell freely or through channels

Normal to feel hurt after ex's arrest?

You spent some time with the guy and you were briefly happy even if the end was bitter. It's totally normal to feel a bit freaked out. If it was just some random guy on the evening news, it wouldn't bother you, but when you actually know the person and even dated him, than it gets weird.

How to jail break iphone 3g PLEASE READ DISCRIPTION!?!?

I want to jailbreak my iPhone 3G but the power button is broken is there a way to jailbreak it without using the power button to set it into dfu mode I tried JAILBREAKME.COM BUT MY IPHONE VERSION IS TO NEW IT'S IN 4.2.1 PLEASE HELP

Is this the right way to act for an 8 year old girl??? Im serious i cant take it anymore so open up here?

since she is so young, she is either going through a money phase.. or you guys just spoil her.. and i would deffinately stop babying her because when she gets older she is going to learn to rely on you guys for money... dont give in to her, if this is serious i would talk to a therapy maybe?? good luckk though!

Any suggestions to move things along? ?

Well I'm at a state of nothing. I am 39 weeks pregnant, 4 cm dilated, 80% thinned and the baby is at a 0 station. I got my membranes stripped on Tuesday at 2 pm. About the only result of that is a lot of yellow-brownish discharge with some blood mixed in every time I use the restroom. I have had no cramps or contraction pain just some shooting pains going through my vaginal area. I have been walking, using my birthing ball and lots of sex but sadly no avail. I really need some suggestions on how to speed up the process of labor. They have my induction scheduled and I really don't want to go that route. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

What objects might I find in a Catholic Chuch?

There is definitely statues that usually have candles in front of them that you can light and kneel down and pray and front of them. They have stations of the cross on the walls with different pictures. You will usually always find stained glass windows. There is an alter and pews. Ushers, priest, nuns, and parishioners can be found inside.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Is this a contradiction on my belief? for many years I went to private schools and had religion shoved down my throat with a holy shovel of high school I went to a public school, and rejected religion completely and currently consider myself an atheist... But in November my dad passed away who is his funeral he had the "holy crucifix" in his casket, and me being his only son, was given the crucifix...after that I put it up on my wall as a remembrance for my father...I don't pray to it or anything, it's just one of those things you can't get rid of without feeling you think this contradicts my beliefs as an atheist???

Would you read this verse I (de)composed for Easter Day?

That surely doth blaspheme the bunny deity will not be pleasedLOLyes,what holidays trade in for commercial profiting,hmm?

Kay so i have an iphone 3G version 4.3.3?

okay so i have had this phone for a year in a few days. it was jail broken but then i upgraded it and now i just cant jailbreak it again. anyways. i was just wondering if anyone has this phone do you know how to get ringtones on it besides the basic already come with it iphone ringtones. lol.... i just wasted $1.29 on the used Blood on my hands because it brought me there when i clicked get more.

In total I have had 8 pregnancys and not a child?

I have asked for peoples advice and appreciated it but what is the point of living? I am not a real woman. My fiance has told me so, and is not here to support me. I have prayed the Rosary, I have got on my knees to the crucifix I have. Unfortunately my fiance ripped my crucifix off my neck before he left. I know I am not perfect, who is. Can someone help me PLEASE. Niamh x

Had membrane sweep earlier on today, and now experiancing?

period pains, had no spotting or anything yet, are the pains a good sign it may of worked?? im 40wks and 6 days. Thanks

How to get good reputation in Fallout: New Vegas?

I've played Fallout: New Vegas for 248 hours as of now, and I was wondering how to get good reputation with the Great Khans. As of a now I am vilified with them, I want to get up to neutral so I can start the quest Aba Daba Honeymoon, and free Anders from the crucifix. Is there anything I can do while disguised as a member of their clan? I am playing on the Xbox console.

Xfiles question help please?

theres an episode i want to watch it is the one about people having some root that is (persons neck) and they die from it. also looking for the episode where theres a midget demon killing a fat guy in the kiddy pool and in the end of that episode the midget demon visits a jail and kills a man in his jail cell. the third one in the beginning of the episode there is an person hiding in the closet from a another person but this person has something coming out of his mouth and kills the man in the closet instantly. the fourth episode something of a metal thing that was made from bone tissue they leave the metal thing alone in the hospital and it builds itself to a alien or something can't remember please help me find these four episodes.

So how much (about) would this stuff go for?

Go to ebay and search for your item or something similar. Look at the auctions that are ending and that will give you an idea as to what to charge for your items.

40 weeks pregnant and constipated?

I am 40 w +2 d pregnant and am 4 cm dilated and baby is EXTREMELY low. I have had 3 membrane sweeps done and they don't seem to be working. My entire pregnancy haven't had any constipation issues. This past week i was having frequent bm ( at least 2 a day sometimes 3) suddenly today I have had NOTHING but i constantly feel as though i have to go. my baby's head is SO low that if i do TRY and go it feels like i'm pushing out baby (yikes!) and it is painful to try. My doc has been monitoring me and baby for about 4 days now and baby is perfectly healthy with a great heartbeat and movement. What would cause my body to suddenly be constipated and what can i do?

Im scares of my son being around men who seem gay or been in jail a long time?

So my older cousin just got outta jail and he seems a little.different. He just kinda scare me like he may be attracted to little children. I dont know if im over reacting but im also scared to leave my baby around my nephew who is only 11. He acts a little gay and pervertic. Idk but I hate thinking about this when either of them are around or people like them.when I was younger I was fondled w so I guess im just remembering from then and what it did 2 me deep inside. Anyone do yu have any insight?

What are some alternatives of men's neck jewelry as opposed to the Christian cross chain?

Stainless steel pendant with rubber accents on a stainless steel chain or leather cord. It's versatile, unique and non-religious.

What are your thoughts on Christian fundamentalists destroying this controversial art piece?

well, it wasn't art and i doubt the "artist" considered it such. i remember the event vividly and was disgusted and shocked at the time, same as now. what filth. as i recall, the issue was that this scum who created this filth had received a lot of money in federal funding, which of course, is something that people needed to stand against, IMO.

Im getting a little anxious now im 5days overdue i have a membrane sweep booked for monday?

I had a show on my due date 20th june its wasnt bloody just clear but nothing for 5days im so anxious now and so uncomfy im not with my partner so i cant try sex.ive tried everything else i know iv just got to wait but its so frustrating when its your first :'(

Will they strip my membranes? ?

I am 38 weeks pregnant and on my next appoint I will be 2 days away from 39 weeks. I am wondering if I ask for my doctor to strip my membranes if she would or not. I had an ultra sound at 36 weeks which showed that my baby was 6 pounds 10 ounces, I have read that a baby can gain a rather large amount in the last 4 weeks of a pregnancy. I'm scared that if I'm allowed to go any longer then this that I will have a very large baby and be forced into a c-section. I didn't know if they would advise against this or not. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Help I think my neighbor may indeed be a weirdo! What should I do about this?

you're just stressing out and you obviously make opinions hastely because blood doesent have a smell lol hes probably just alittle odd not a total creep

Who would win in a fight Prime Mike Tyson or Jon "Bones" Jones?

I think Jon Jones would kill Tyson even in his prime. Elite boxers cannot beat Elite wrestlers. Especially Jon Jones level wrestlers. He would lose be able to KO Tyson with a head kick or takehim down and crucifix him and then elbow him until he goes out. He takedown other DIV 1 wrestlers with ease he would take down Tyson with ease. Plus Jon Jones has a 85inch reach that longer than the Klitchkos.

Do braxton Hicks cause pain?

BH's can be uncomfortable but shouldn't be painful. Sounds like very very early labor is getting ready to kick off. Go for a walk, go for several- should help speed things up! When the "real" contractions hit- there will be no mistaking those puppies- you won't be able to talk or walk or do anything other then stop and wait for it to pass. Just keep yourself busy in the meantime- ignore them the best you can until you can't anymore... Best wishes!

Family antique crucifix?

I have an antique crucifix with Made In USA as the only ID. Where can I get more information as to year, metal, design?

If you ban the hijab and crucifix in schools, should you ban circumcised people too?

Not circumcised people, but circumcision should be banned in general. Its not like almost all the people circumcised around the world had a say in the matter.

What do you think of this part of my novel?

That sounds really intresting and I think that you should add more to this I love horror/mysterious stories sounds good so far! (:

Question about. "madea goes to jail" answer?

Who actually plays Madea in the movie is it actually Tyler Perry idk im not big on actors so yea. And did Corra off tht movie die?

What are the laws regarding possession of magic mushrooms in California?

i cant seem to find this information on the web. do you automatically get jail time for having any amount of magic mushrooms? or is it only a certain amount? please be specific and cite your sources if possible, thanks.

Why are crucifixes so important?

I think Jesus would be disgusted if he kept seeing himself being nailed to a cross when he came back from Heaven.

Why did Lady Gaga swallow a Crucifix? and have an Upside down Cross?

it's called trying to achieve the 'shock factor'. If getting attention means singing with hardly any clothes on and doing 'shocking' things like that then a lot of 'celebrities' will do it.

Atheists how do you explain demon possessions?

there have been many cases where a priest banishes the demon out of a person using a crucifix and a prayer.

Seniors - Redecorating my bedroom and I need some ideas?

Right off the bat I would have to know how big the room is and how many windows and doors. I have some great ideas for a 40's room. A dressing table with two lamps and a round mirror is a must. Colors of the 40's would have been deep green, deep red, deep blue. colors were dark after all they were at war all over the world. Later 40's might show brighter colors but most of the 40'w were deep dark colors. Anyway, let me know room size, windows and doors and I could be a lot more helpful. EDIT: Nice size room. I can picture it now. You only have one window so you don't want to go to dark. Full princess curtains were so fashionable back then. Maybe you have seen them in books. Sheer curtains with a ruffle down the sides and around the floor side. They were very full and then tied back. Both round and square items in the room. Square table, round lamp or visa versa. Wall paper was also popular and large patterns of flowers or leaves was very popular. The furniture was mostly of dark wood at that time or maple. If you can afford it because your room is large enough to have a nice lounge chair with an ottoman or maybe two. Sounds like a fun project. You can look up 40's art for the walls. There was a nice variety. Good luck.

I caught my Girlfriend doing something really weird...?

So one day i came home from work and went upstairs to my bedroom to find my girlfriend getting it on with a crucifix while yelling out about some guy name heyzus. I was so shocked i left and stayed the night at a motel down the street. I haven't talked to her since because I don't know what to do. What should I do and should i be worried about her cheating on me with this heyzus guy?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I think my dad was looking at porn? O.o?

Discovering your dad looking at porn is just one of those traumatic childhood events we all go through and survive.

Christians and Pagans: What is the difference between the christian crucifix, tammuz tau, and pagan cross?

Which predates the others. And does one predating all others mean that it in actuality carries over its symbolism (i.e. the celtic cross predates catholicism but is used in their worship)

What are the functions of the membranes?

there are so many functions but i would say the basic functions of the plasma membrane are to regulate the passage of materials in and out of a cell. membranes in general isolate specific compartments of a eukaryotic cell so that different parts of the cell can perform different functions

Should Undertaker And Triple H have an End Of An Era Match at WM 27?

I think Undertaker and Triple H should have a new type of match known as an End Of An Era match at Wrestlemania. The stipulation should be in order for Triple H to win, he must roll Undertaker into a casket. But for Undertaker to win he must pin Triple H and strap him to a crucifix successfully in order to win. It's basically a retirement match but with bigger proportions for the loser basically!!!

What's the name of this comic/graphic novel?

I had the first issue of this comic by an indie company. It was very violent, involved a guy who, after his uncle's funeral, kept getting transported to different battles until being captured by this she-devil who tried to seduce him in the end. He was a white guy, blond, and the suit he finds himself wearing at one point is red and white. After the funeral he finds himself in hell, then a large scale outdoor battle, then tied to a crucifix alongside some of the female demon's other prisoners, where she blows them up for an audience. I can't remember the publisher, but the logo was a parthenon-looking building and this was definitely issue#1. please help, this thing doesn't seem to have ever existed!

If you do use an unlocked wireless internet connection can they see what websites and other activities?

you do while on the computer? Let's say you use a public wifi connection or use someone else's connection (while illegal) can the host see what you do while on the connection? Is it possible that if you do use someone's unlocked account that they can find you? I mean I've heard people say they cant and blah blah blah but I don't want to go to jail while just checking out a few websites. What penalties are associated with using someone else's connection? Is it like taking the tag off your mattress? I say this becasue is it something that many people do and it is just commonplace?

Is this a good sign for labor to come?

I am 39 weeks, 3 cm dilated, 80% thinned and at a 0 station. Today they stripped my membranes which caused me to bleed a little right afterward. But now which is around 12 hours later I have had a discharge with some blood mixed in every time I urinate. I have also been having cramps all day. Is this a good sign of labor to come? What else can I do to move things along further? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Yesterday my Dr. did an exam and did a light stripping of membranes.?

She did the exam at around 10am yesterday and this morning when I woke up I had a little brown dot in my panties. Well all day long when I pee there is brown in my panties not much at all... Is that the "bloody show" also I am not one to take naps well I could not stay awake today. I have also had little sharp feelings in my vagina. Does this mean Labor is close? Also I am 35 Wks and 3 days. 1cm Dilated and 60% Effaced. My Son is also facing back the way they are suppose to when they are born.

Identical twins need help?

Ok I was just found out that im havin monoamniotic boys but they are in 2 different sacs a membrane was found. My question is are my little angels still at risk of cord entanglement even if their in their own amniotic sacs?

How much time do I give her?

ok so here's the deal... my ex (who i've been trying to get back) has been in jail for almost three weeks now. her court date is in a few days and depending on the result she may be put back in for four more months or they might let her off easy since she's already served some time. anywho... her new bf (the rebound guy she dated right after me) broke up with her while she was in jail cuz he said he wanted a gf that he could see. he's a dick and i hope he rots in hell but anyways... she's been saying stuff when i go to visit her like she's been dreaming about me and even asked if i would take her to her favorite resturaunt when she gets out. i'm starting to think she wants me back but i don't know. what do you think? her douche ex bf hasn't and refuses to visit her so i've had alot of one on one time with her. i want to make a move but i'm not sure when i should make it. should i wait till she gets out? do i still go and visit her? do i play hard to get? if so how?

Casey Anthony? Will google searches doom her?

ahhh you're scaring me lol lets hope not. i really dont get why anyone cares about this trial. parents kill their children everyday why is this so special!?

How is it a four year old can think there is no God and be fine with it, yet a grown human being can't?

Kids believe what they see. I wonder if she believes in Santa. When we are older we learn to distinguish real gifts from useless trinkets.

Paranormal activity (1) question?

The other day I saw paranormal activity... People keep saying its the scariest movie ever and someone I know even started wearing a crucifix after seeing it.... Is there something im missing because it didnt scare me once and I cant see how it would do things like that to people?

Question about statutory rape?

Okay, say there is this guy who is 21 and he is at a party. A 17 year old girl appears and they start to hang out. The girl tells the man that she is 19 which is a legal age. They end up having sex. Weeks later she ends up getting pregnant and starts crying out rape. What would happen to the guy? Would the girl get in trouble? how would they go about punishing people? What would the punishments be? What would happen to the baby? How would they make a verdict? What kind of eviedence would there have to be to make a desicion, or do they just believe everything she says and just put him in jail.

Are there any countries where Atheists are not allowed to practice?

I know there are many countries that won't allow Christians to wear crucifixes or go around preaching and trying to convert the natives.

Okayy i need a perfect song...?

soo i dont really wanna put all me and my fiances info out there but basically we have been through soo much ! my mom met him and liked them then he went to jail and when he got out my mom hated him and would not let me see him she actually forbid me to see him she even tried to get him thrown back in jail soo we couldnt see each other but we still did and then through some hard times i broke up with him and a week and a day later we got back together and then about a week after that he broke up with me. we went out seperate ways and i got with someone else and he got with someone else and when he found out about me and my new boyfriend he went crazy and so my new boyfriend got scared and left me and about 2 weeks after that me and my ex(the one that went to jail) got back together and we have been ever since = ] i just need a perfect song that kind of describes us lol = ) please help !!

I had a show yesterday but nothing since im 40 weeks and 1 day?

I saw my midwife yesterday she booked me in for a membrane sweep next monday my due date has come and gone :( i did have a show yesterday as im so far on now could labour be on its way?i really want to meet my lil boy now :(

Are Christians really being persecuted in the UK?

the problem here is taking newspaper reports as totally factual and taking isolated cases as indicative of the whole situation. The lady stopped from wearing a cross by an airline got caught in a general rule about wearing religious symbols while in uniform which was not specific to christian symbols. The nurse was related to wearing jewellery in uniform. The registrar who refused to marry same sex couples is an officer of the law and if the law says she should do this then she should If her religious beliefs prevent her from carrying out her job then she has to go. The sexual counsellor's job is to counsel couples on their sexual problems if he cannot handle homosexual problems then he should not have been in that field in the first place. This is quite a common aspect of sexuality which he must have encountered when training and he should have moved into a different field at that stage

What do you think? Should I keep writing?

Yes, we should keep our writing on and on because it helps us to write spontaneously in different matters and get knowledge and new ideas. Not only that it helps to earn money too.

I'm worried and afraid?

well a while back i gave up on christianity then i tryed satanism and i did bad things like say how God,jesus were false and other things,people ripping pages out of the bible,destroying a crucifix,throwing holy water out and when doing the dedication ritual the prayer said somehting about jesus rotton and usless holy spirit and given my actions afterwards im not dedicated to i went to confession said my sins but couldnt say that one about dedicating but i will. Also when i prayed i felt better and did i commit a unforgiveable prayer?? I know what i did was wrong and im asking to make peace with God and move forward in my religion so would he forgive me?

Are we going somewhere?

if the universe is expanding in every direction how can it be in a linear motion and what technique was used to determine that finding?Galileo was neither executed nor the first person to make that statement. He only made it because he was friends with the pope and knew his life would be spared under house arrest. Every object in the universe moves in circular patterns, but the universe? hmmm

Do you think that the Casey Anthony trial is sad. DO you also think she should be put in jail for the rest of?

question 2 continued)her life! I sure do she is stupid and immature! she is awful not the kid the mother soooooooooooooo sad i am crying right now :(

Membrane sweep to start labor?

well i had my 39 week apt. today, and i am dialated to a 2, and my midwife asked if i wanted my membranes to be swept, i said yes. so she did that for me (i am so ready for my labor to start) anyways i she told me when doing the membrane sweep it is meant get my labor started within 24 to 48 hours. my question is i have been having contractions today, i have not yet timed them. and i am dialated to a 2 and 25% effaced and my cervix is softening, and i have already lost my plug, do you think i will actually go into labor tonight???? please i will take any advice thanks

Christians(only please). Would you try and destroy Piss Christ if you could?

Recently a piece of art called Piss Christ was destroyed by a christian. It was a picture taken of a crucifix inside of a bottle of urine. Would you try and destroy this-knowing it was not yours to destroy?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What do you think of these lyrics?

I think its really good! Definitely better then anything i've ever done! Everytime i try i just sorta give up... But this is really good keep going!!! Good luck with it!!!

______ embedded in the cell membrane can allow some materials through.?

The proteins are of two types Integral (passing through the width of the membrane (act as transport channels) and peripheral (act as recognition sites). These peripheral proteins contain carbohydrates to help in cell to cell recognition. The correct term is integral proteins.

Why is my hymen different?

So inside my vagina I understand that I have the hymen membrane, but for me it is shaped like a complete ring on the front side of my vaginal wall. Behind that ring is the "rest" of my vagina and that is where i insert tampons. I don't understand what this ring is because it is very small and I dont know if i should try to open or stretch it out. I'm very confused because I've never had sex before but I've been fingered and the last time that happened my partner tried to stick their finger in the small hole inside my vagina instead of the larger one. I'd really like to know if there is something wrong because it hurt a lot when they did it and I dont understand what the small ring is.

What are channel proteins that allow water to pass across the membrane?

Aquaporins, which allow for the transport of water molecules in and out of the cell by facilitated diffusion. Because it is facilitated diffusion, the water molecules flow down (rather than against) their concentration gradient, and no energy is required. I don't know if this is what you are asking, but anyway I hope it helps.

Hwaii Five-o question mcgarrett goes to jail!!!?

when did that happen... please tell me the details as I cant find what I want online and Kone... WTF I Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo… Kono how could this happen... I am now breaking down... and no i am disgusted in my self as I have never been obsessed about a TV show like this before...

35 weeks pregnant with Bulging membranes?

I am 35 weeks pregnant with twins and i had my ob appointment today and she did a check and said i was about 1-2 centimeters dilated and my membranes were bulging, she said that if my water doesn't break by the weekend on monday she will take them out. Im just wondering if anyone has experienced this and do you think my water will break before monday?

General public of India defeated and the rulers have proved it once again ?

All the slaves in india were given a hope in form of respected Anna however looking at the recent activity ... I think Lokpal bill would be nothing more that a joke to the Public in general. Since Tihar Jail is nothing less then a picnic spot or a recreation room for the rich and the powerful the Indian public should wake up in such a crisis. Else prosecution and law would only apply to the poor and the oppressed and not the rich and the powerful though this is already true we need to turn the table around. Why should only the poor be prosecuted.